If I move to different state, what is required for my trust?


If I move to different state, what is required for my trust?  Do I have to update my trust with my current address?


The question is a bit broad. Your NFA trust we drafted should be valid in most states. That is a different issue from whether the state you move to allows possession of the items in the trust. It is also different from what that state may require of you (registration, licensing, etc.). Those questions must be asked of a qualified lawyer in the state you move to.

Stated another way. Your trust does not circumvent local law. A gun trust does not allow you to do/not do something otherwise required by that state or the federal government.

Regarding your address, we specifically draft our trusts so that your address is not mentioned in the primary trust document.  This avoids the expense of having to update your trust simply because you changed your address.

This column is not legal advice nor does it create an attorney-client relationship with the reader. Due to limited space, complex legal concepts and rules may be stated in terms of general concepts. Based on 2025 Colorado and Federal law. Consult legal counsel before acting on any information contained in this column.